[plug] Starting in Linux

Christian again at global.net.au
Fri Jan 15 11:57:47 WST 1999

On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Matt Kemner wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Ultimate AbandonWare wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I am thinking of venturing into Linux and possibly using Debian 2.0.2
> > Does anyone think I should buy that?
> Different people on this list will have different opinions :)
> Some people here believe RedHat is the be-all and end-all, and others
> believe in Debian.. There's a few SUSE and Slackware followers hiding
> somewhere too, I believe :)

I think Red Hat is often a good way to start since it is generally easier
to do things.  However I personally believe Debian is a better, more
professional and well-designed system out of the box, but of course with
Linux you can make it be however you wish.
> If you choose Debian (which is what I use) I'd recommend waiting a couple
> of weeks for Debian 2.1 to be released (which is scheduled some time this
> month) because it will have all the latest utilities, and be all ready for
> the Linux 2.2.0 kernel release.

This is true but upgrading with Debian is a breeze.

> Which university? :)
> If you go to UWA, Running Linux at home will definitely help your studies,
> since a lot of their 2nd year coursework is done on Linux.
> I don't know about the other universities since I only did first year at
> Murdoch, and saw nothing but win3.1 boxes when I was there ('95) and
> haven't seen the others.

I finished at Murdoch last year and they had a lab full of Sparcs (running
Solaris naturally) however since running Linux will give you a good
broad understanding of general Unix principles then it will benefit you.
I also understand that Murdoch may be running a Linux Systems
Administration course this year... although I haven't seen anything about
it in writing.


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