(Fwd) Re: [plug] Update to training manual "Introduction to Co

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Fri Jan 22 09:51:57 WST 1999

David Campbell wrote:
> > Just a note to say that the manual that I am writing: "Introduction to
> > Computers and Linux" has been updated as of 21 January, 1999.

> > You can see the latest version (0.01)at
> > http://www.ozemail.com.au/~dbuddrige/computerbank/doco/

> I suggest a some toning down of the "anti-Microsoft" sentiments, preferably removing as
> many direct references as possible. My first reading of this was some political radical
> has written this... Please avoid the brain washing tatics, I have enough of this from
> Microsoft.

Agree. Also, spend all your time bashing them and you'll find yourself
thinking in their terms... changing... becoming abomination... there was
agreement, and the cannon turned away (apologies to Fred Saberhagen and
the Berserker community).

> Perhaps you should examine the upgrade price of a MS package versus the new features
> that you are going to use, in such light you might find that going from MS-Office 95 to
> MS-Office 97 is not price competitive HOWEVER because other people have changed, you
> are forced to change just so you can read their documents. From my experience there is
> no parallel in the free software world.

Well, not often, and there is almost always a patch or conversion
utility after a fwe days. Otherwise, unnatural selection takes over and
the product atrophies.

Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize a
mistake when you make it again. -- F. P. Jones

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