Chris Cornish linuxcw at yahoo.com.au
Sun Jan 31 17:22:22 WST 1999

and another pfft

---Rick <rick at vianet.net.au> wrote:
> If you have been brave enough, (for brave, read foolhardy), to install
> Linux, then you may need to now how to remove it. This may not be
the best
> way to do it, but, it worked for me.
> First, you must get rid of the LILO boot thingy. That is if you set
it up
> initially. Getting rid of LILO is quite simple. (I'm assuming here
that you
> have LILO installed on your C drive)
> Boot your machine with a floppy disk (Not Linux silly, DOS), that
also has
> FDISK on it. 
> Switch to your C drive. 
> Type  'fdisk /mbr' (Without the quotes silly) and press <enter>
> Presto, LILO is no more.
> Then you must get rid of the partitions on your hard drive that
harbour the
> infestation (Linux, that is). I found that Microsoft's FDISK, could
> handle the job.
> I booted my machine with the Linux Install boot disk, and went
through the
> initial part of the installation procedure, until I got to the part
> you are asked what disk partitioning software you want to use. I
> Disk Druid.
> This is where you need to be very cautious. If you delete the wrong
> partition, you could lose your other operating system. Windoze, DOS,
> whatever. BE CAREFUL, OK.
> After getting into Disk Druid, I selected first the partition for the
> swapfile, and deleted that. Then I selected the root partition and
> that. Do the same for any other partitions that you have created for
> (I'm sure the order has no significance) Once again, move
cautiously. Only
> delete the Linux partitions.
> Then press the <BACK> button. You will be asked if you want to save
> partitions. Select yes. (Unless you've made a mistake that is)
> That's it. Now you can reboot your machine and use Microsoft's
> repartition your drive.
> Just a little warning. If you have reduced the original partition,
to make
> room for Linux, you may just have to keep two partitions on your hard
> drive. Otherwise, you will lose the data in the reduced partition.
> something like 'Partition Magic', can handle that??
> Best of luck.
> Caveat - I accept no responsibility if you either misread, or in any
> way, damage your system through what you have read here. Tread with
> Cheers
> Rick
> E=Mail    - rick at vianet.net.au
> Home Page - http://www.vianet.net.au/~rick/index.htm
> Packet    - VK6EP at VK6ANC.#PER.#WA.AUS.OC
Chris Cornish 
Linux Computer World
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