[plug] Linux V Windows

Michael Hunt Michael.J.Hunt at usa.net
Sat Jul 10 20:24:49 WST 1999

It varies quite a lot depending on distro, kernel, libraries, type and use
of hardware, positioning of the moon between Jupiter and Mars etc.

Basically there are so many variables it is quite difficult to make an
overall HCL because there is not a one stop shop for all these various
components. Besides there may be kernel support but not any app support
which is what your really after if you brought say Creative PCI live sound
card for certain features

But to put another slant on it kernel support is the main thing you need to
find out for your hardware and the following rules seem to apply:

If the hardware technology is between 0 - 6 months old then you may have to
write device drivers for the hardware yourself. If you are lucky the
manufacturer may write linux drivers but there is no guarantee.

If the hardware technology is between 6 - 12 months old then you may well
have support, but a lot  depends on the popularity of the hardware, what it
is used for, how many have been sold etc. If not then and you need support
for the device then it is time to pull your check book out and get someone
to code it for you. (If you could do it yourself then it would have done it
while the technology was still young. Otherwise you are just attending to
many Linux Expo's and should get back to some real coding).

If the hardware technology is between 1 and 2 years old then you most likely
have support if not you have brought a dud piece of hardware that no one
else uses because it is rubbish ... and well you get my point.

If the hardware technology is greater than 2 years old then you have to ask
yourself why you are asking this question. Didn't you know that it has been
supported since Kernel 1.*. If it doesn't have support then you need to look
at upgrading it because it is consider junk by most Linux bods.

But I seem to have digressed ....

> Where could one find a HCL for Linux?

seems to be a good site for RedHat and hardware compatibility issues.

Hope this helps.

Michael Hunt

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