[plug] re: User names

Paul Wilson hooker at opera.iinet.net.au
Tue Jul 27 14:56:57 WST 1999

From: bk <bk at bofh.ns.ca>
> On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 06:04:58AM +0800, Jon L. Miller wrote:
> > Is there a format to creating users names? by this I mean if I create a
user name such as joe.smith I get bounced email from
joe.smith at mycompany.com.au.  Am I to assume you cannot have the "." in a
users name?
> How about word-wrapping your messages?
> I wonder if it's possible to reject/trash any messages which exceed
> 80cols.

I use MickeySoft stuff to handle mail, and it doesn't chop lines, sorry !


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