[plug] Star Office and 5.1 and the registration

Greg Raftery gregr at scs.com.au
Fri Jun 4 16:37:56 WST 1999

Im an avid Netbanker and unless they have released something new, the
client is a Windows app. Someone posted about running it under Wine,
but I've never really played around with it.

Only time I ever really use a human teller nowadays is when I dump a
couple of hundred dollars worth of coins on the counter and ask them
to count it for me. I always pick on the ones without the machines :)

Greg Raftery

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Holland [mailto:myk at golden.wattle.id.au]
> Sent: Friday, 4 June 1999 15:45
> To: plug at linux.org.au
> Subject: RE: [plug] Star Office and 5.1 and the registration
> On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Shackleton, Kevin wrote:
> > I just signed up for Netbank (which bank?).  That will use Netscape.
> > There's even a paragraph explaining that unix users can't 
> access Netbank
> > because the 128-bit security is proprietary (3rd party) and 
> only runs on
> > Windows.
> Does it require downloading a plugin, or windoze program?
> You must expect banks to be slow at this. They are rightfully paranoid
> about security, and its only the US government to blame for making the
> 'standards' insecure.
> Mike Holland <mike at golden.wattle.id.au>            Perth, Australia.
>                           --==--
> Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
>                 -- Rich Kulawiec

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