[plug] Fuck.

Greg Mildenhall greg at networx.net.au
Tue Jun 8 00:16:01 WST 1999

On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Oliver White wrote:
> Couldn't resist the topic, sorry guys ;)
> http://www.salonmagazine.com/tech/log/1999/06/07/linux/index.html
That list of banned words astonishes me. OK, some of them are cut out
because they are too common, but ignoring them, I think about 80% of the
words in the list have completely different meanings, and most of the ones
that can only mean one thing are necessary for any kind of education about
related issues.

Not only will the Linux kernel be banned (like, sure the filter can read 
tgzd files) but in fact, all "free" software will. No free beer _or_
free speech, and there certainly ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

-Greg Mildenhall

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