[plug] setting up Linux server

Bret Busby bret at clearsol.iinet.net.au
Tue Jun 29 11:33:47 WST 1999

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 6/29/99, 8:36:56 AM, "Shackleton, Kevin" 
<kshackleton at agric.wa.gov.au> wrote regarding RE: [plug] setting up 
Linux server :

> I'll buy into this - when is a relational database not a relational
> database?

Isn't a relational database, a database that includes tables, and in 
which the tables are normalised (usually according to "Codd's Law"), 
to the third level of normalisation?

> BTW, I have written a number of commercial databases in Access and 
> found that it's a good idea to define relationships between various 
> in the tables but it's not necessarily a good idea to define 
> integrity.  What happens (in Access, where the tables are easily 
> (there's more confusing terminology!) is that someone decides to 
> delete a record in one table for reasons best known to themselves and 
> wonder where the 337 dependant records went in the other table.

Doesn't that depend on how you have configured the database; eg, 
allowing, or disallowing, cascading deletes, between links in tables?

BTW, from the latest PC Magazine, if a runtime is generated for M$ 
Access (Excess?) 2000, the minimum runtime size is 150MB, as all the 
runtimes generated, include IE5, and cannot be generated without 
including IE5.

> >
> > If the DBMS doesn't do this, it's not relational.

Sounds incestuous!
> >

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