[plug] Uni. questions

Greg Mildenhall greg at networx.net.au
Fri Mar 5 02:39:21 WST 1999

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Rob Hall wrote:
> Started our first tutorials for Information Systems at ECU yesterday.
> It's great that Linux is getting recognition in Uni. syllabus.

Heh. The entire Computer Science deptartment at UWA scorns you.

By the time I finish my degree with honours in computer science, I reckon 
I will have used a Windows machine 4 times.
Twice to make sure assignments written on my home Linux box will work on
the Windows version of Pascal.
Once to study for a Visual C++ practical. Once again in the prac itself.

First year was entirely Mac.
Second year was entirely Linux except for abovementioned ~2H of windows.
Third year was entirely Linux.
Fourth year looks like being 80% Linux, 20% proprietary Unix.

Most students actually use NT and Unix more than I have, some even use NT
more than Linux, but my course is certainly not atypical.

I think the Linux systems first came into being in 96? At any rate, Linux
has long been used here, and seems to be working fairly nicely. That is to
say, I like it, it hasn't been removed or replaced yet, and I've seen few
signs of maintenance. (JK :)

-Greg Mildenhall

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