[plug] CD Reprodution Costs

Chris Cornish linuxcw at yahoo.com.au
Wed Mar 10 15:43:39 WST 1999

ok the cheapest price i have found so far is $1.50 per cd for 1000
cd's minor $8 per cd if we want less thean the 1000 done

---Gavin Tweedie <tweedie at nw.com.au> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, alex polglaze wrote:
> > The whole notion of $10 joining fee and expecting to get free CD's
> > appals me. If we are goint run a serious organisation and expect
> > people to join then we need to present a business like image.
There are
> I would like to think of the "free cd" (or whatever you wish to call
it) a
> service to members rather than a tool to get more members. The idea
of a
> user group is to support its members etc... I feel providing CDs is
a good
> way.
> (I'm not thinking like the PC magazines include a CD and some people
> it just for the CD, people wont pay to join plug just for a CD, and if
> they join and dont want a CD - thats fine by me!)
> Gavin


Chris Cornish
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