[plug] ($750) Corporate memberships
Paul Wilson
hooker at opera.iinet.net.au
Fri Mar 12 11:20:47 WST 1999
>> I reckon we should design a nifty PLUG logo and charge $750 for corporate
>> membership. That way, corporations who want to impress other corporations
>> will use PLUG corportate membership as a status symbol, much as they use
>> MCSE qualifications, the WA "birthmark", ISO9000, etc :).
>No! Nooooooooooo! (-:
Eeeekkkk! ISO 9000 ! Plug doesn't have the resources or the time to get that
(regardless of any other reason not to).
>A simple penguin tie-pin would be nice. Perhaps a Dilbert PHB tie pin
>with "PHB compliant" around the edge as well, to keep things in
Love it. However, we'll have to get something other than a tie-pin, as I
seldom wear a tie these days. I'd like to see a Dilbert equivalent of the
'Intel Inside' sticker which could be put on PCs.
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