[plug] Perth Computerbank public meeting Sat 20th

Bob Ogden bob at contact.omen.com.au
Fri Mar 12 14:07:38 WST 1999

In <9903120830.aa08546 at stm0001.stm.com.au>, on 12/Mar/99 
   at 08:30 AM,((WST) GMT)
Luigi Cantoni <lui at stm0001.dialix.oz.au> said:

> Bob,
> Cannot make it but please post the results

Will do. I _hope_ that it's going to be a straight forward ratification of
the constitution as it stands  (
http://www.computerbank.org.au/perth/legal/combank_draft_const.html ).

/-- Bob Ogden  bob at contact.omen.com.au --------------/
/  -... --- -...   --- --. -.. . -.       Finger  for PGP key -----/

Does your system break in 294 days?

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