[plug] ($750) Corporate memberships
david.buddrige at mitswa.com.au
david.buddrige at mitswa.com.au
Fri Mar 12 16:46:24 WST 1999
To cut a _really_ loooooooooooooong story short, it's a government standard
for businesses to be deemed a "uality" system - basically you need to be
able to replicate the jobs involved in your organisation. Their way of
doing this, is by documenting every task/procedure that is done at your
business, so that (theoreticaly), you should be able to give a person the
"manual" and they should have every task/procedure they need to know to do
any given job.
Thus, if any given person is taken out of the organisation, the knowledge of
the tasks involved in that job are not lost - therefore you can replicate
the position without being reliant on a given person, thus you can assure
quality of your system .... well that's the theory... in the real world it
translates into ludicrous amounts of documentation for every conceivable
thing - you're supposed to fill in checklists and all sorts of similar
documents to prove that each given task has been done on any given day... a
lot of people find it's a real pain... ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oliver White [SMTP:ojw at iinet.net.au]
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 1999 4:16 PM
> To: plug at linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] ($750) Corporate memberships
> Paul Wilson wrote:
> > >> I reckon we should design a nifty PLUG logo and charge $750 for
> corporate
> > >> membership. That way, corporations who want to impress other
> corporations
> > >> will use PLUG corportate membership as a status symbol, much as they
> use
> > >> MCSE qualifications, the WA "birthmark", ISO9000, etc :).
> > >
> > >No! Nooooooooooo! (-:
> >
> > Eeeekkkk! ISO 9000 ! Plug doesn't have the resources or the time to get
> that
> > (regardless of any other reason not to).
> At the risk of looking like an idiot.... what's the ISO9000 standard?
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