[plug] Matrox G200

Dale spud at wantree.com.au
Sun Mar 14 23:00:22 WST 1999

At 10:24  14/03/99 +0800, you wrote:

>> I'm just wondering if anyone out there has a Matrox G200 video card and has
>> been able to get in running in X under Redhat 5.2 in anything other then
>> VGA, I have looked for updated drivers but to date have found nothing,
>> Anyone?!?!
>Yes, I have one runnin beatuifully under X, the latest XFree86 supports
>the G200 -> version 3.3.3 and later. Kernel 2.2 also supports the G200 as
>a frame buffer 

Did you get it in an RPM by any chance?

If so where from :)



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Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until
            we use the ones we have?!?


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