[plug] Matrox G200

Michael Hunt Michael.J.Hunt at usa.net
Mon Mar 15 14:18:17 WST 1999

Redhat's new site outline has a few problems as far as it design goes. If
you follow the link below you should be able to download new Xfree rpms.
There also appears to be instructions on how to do this in what order etc.
You will probably want to download any other relevant patches from this page
as well.


Are you sure you are not reading it wrong. I think you'll find it is i386
meaning it is for Intel chips based on the 389 or higher (bit of a left over
from NT naming conventions) with alpha being for alpha chips etc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-plug at linux.org.au [mailto:owner-plug at linux.org.au]On Behalf
> Of Dale
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 1999 1:45 PM
> To: plug at linux.org.au
> Subject: RE: [plug] Matrox G200
> At 09:37 15/03/99 +0800, you wrote:
> Ok I feel like I'm getting closer to fixing this problem, but!!!
> Thsi is the only rpm i can find "XFree86-SVGA-3.3.2pl2-1.i386.rpm" i can't
> find no 3.3.3 i386 version, so...
> Is this the one I'm after "XFree86-SVGA-" Note the i686,
> so what the hell is a i686 rpm then?!? :)
> >On my RedHat 5.2 machine I downloaded the latest XFree rpms from Redhat's
> >web site. You will need to use XF86Setup (or what ever it is
> called) to set
> >it up. The Redhat one hadn't been updated to use the newer XFree
> rpms though
> >it looks like there is a new one there now.
> >>>> I'm just wondering if anyone out there has a Matrox G200 video
> >>>Yes, I have one runnin beatuifully under X, the latest XFree86 supports
> >>>the G200 -> version 3.3.3 and later. Kernel 2.2 also supports
> the G200 as
> thanks once again to all these that have helped so far.
> ---
>  ____________
> /\  _________\
> \ \ \______  /    ICQ 103700
>  \ \ \  / / /
>   \ \ \/ / /
>    \ \/ / /                ,,,
>     \  / /                (o o)
>      \/_/ -------------ooO-(_)-Ooo
> Why bother building any more nuclear warheads until
>             we use the ones we have?!?
>                       .oO*Oo.

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