[plug] Help!!! - with XFree86 mouse setup

Tony Clark tony at ballist.net.au
Wed Mar 17 22:07:50 WST 1999

Is /dev/mouse a symbolic link to /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/cua0?

Thats where I would start to look FWIW

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, you wrote:
> I've got a Genius HiMouse that works perfectly under Windoze
> and under Linux on a PII 350 running ZipSlack - configured
> in XF86Config as:
>     Section "Pointer"
>        Protocol        "Microsoft"
>        Device          "/dev/mouse"
>        BaudRate        1200
>        Resolution      100
>        Buttons         3
>     EndSection
> Same copy of ZipSlack on a bunch of P150s that I'm running
> a Linux tutorial first thing tomorrow morning on - both XF86Setup
> and gpm say there is no such device as "/dev/mouse".  Hence the X
> server won't start.  This might make things a little difficult tomorrow.
> I've tried every combination of Protocol and Device I can think of.
> Auto doesn't work because their not PnP.  Using "Micorsoft" and
> "/dev/tty0" the server will run, but with no mouse.
> Please...... any ideas before 9:00am???
> Andrew
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