[plug] Programs for Linux

Rob Potter potter at central.murdoch.edu.au
Wed Mar 24 09:45:52 WST 1999

Hi Daniel

At 09:43  23/03/99 +0800, you wrote:
>That'd be grouse :P
>Where do ya live and how do you think you can get it for me? You able to
>burn a copy so I can keep it?

I work at Murdoch Uni and live in South Perth - take your pick!  I don't
have a burner of my own, but I can maybe ask around and see what there is
available at work.  Meantime I have no probs with you having the CD as I
have installed everything I want of it (I think......).

Get back to me.


Dr Rob Potter
WA State Ag Biotech Centre
Murdoch University
Perth, WA 6150
Ph: +618 93602920  Fax: +618 93606303
Internet: potter at central.murdoch.edu.au;  Compuserve: 100113,1537

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