[plug] Windows partition eating...

Oliver White ojw at iinet.net.au
Mon Mar 29 18:27:30 WST 1999

Hi, I heard that (re)installing windows will eat all non windows
partitions, is that correct?

I have a dual boot, as is common. Two hard drives, one with red hat linux
and one with windows 95.

I've ordered debian 2.1, and while I'm reinstalling I want to reinstall
windows (the install is about 2 years old, and it runs like a dog).

However, I have no large storage media for a backup of my goodies, so I"m
in a quandry. I would like to first move my windows files to linux,
reinstall windows then copy my linux/windows goodies to windows then
reinstall linux, finaly copying linux.goodies.tar.gz back to linux. 

Is there any way of doing this?

I had the idea of disconnecting the linux hard drive while doing the
windows installation. Does this sound like a sane idea?

Any advice would be more than welcome.

Happy hackery :-)


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