[plug] Refreshing Debian Install

Andrew Howell andrew at vila.it.net.au
Wed Mar 31 20:11:36 WST 1999

On Wed, Mar 31, 1999 at 02:35:28PM +0800, Trevor Phillips wrote:
> Is there an easy way to get Debian to reinstall all packages?? ie; take
> current package status & versions, and reinstall all the same.
> With this CD-ROM drive corruption, I wouldn't be suprised if some of my
> system is a bit bung from installing packages off my slink CD's. (It
> would explain some of the strange crashes of late).

Ummm not that I'm aware of, you could try running 'dpkg --audit' or
a simple script playing with 'dpkg --get-selections *' would do what
you want.

Actually --get-selections and then --set-selections might work.


Andrew Howell
Managing Director
Informed Technology
E-mail: andrew at it.net.au
Ph: 08 9380 4244  Fax: 08 9380 4354

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