[plug] censorship

Bret Busby bret at clearsol.iinet.net.au
Sat May 8 14:43:08 WST 1999

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 5/8/99, 1:35:56 PM, "Rob Hall" <rhall at echidna.stu.cowan.edu.au> wrote 
regarding [plug] censorship:

> Interesting article on the controversial Broadcasting Services 
> (Online Services) Act

>  http://www.afr.com.au/content/990508/perspective/perspective1.html

> Rob

So, the darkness on the Internet may begin next week. And then, 
Harradine and Alston can goose-step together, in public, in their 
jackboots, and it will be known that Australia has lost even more 
possibility of free speech.

Such is the way of oppression.

Just out of interest, I believe that the "porn" industry on the 
Internet, is widely held responsible for the development of Internet 
commerce (not to be confused with e-commerce, which includes normal 
eftpos and use of bank atm's etc).

It is no doubt that, with the feral government's blocking Internet 
commerce in this country, with the obstruction of the use of 
worthwhile encryption for financial transactions, that they would 
further block it, by trying to implement a government-run Internet 
facility in Australia. When we are stuck with a state-run Internet in 
Australia, dictating what people may and may not say in their 
communication, then beware of who knocks on your doors at night. It 
may be worse than someone trying to rob you. It may be the thought 
police, come to make you disappear, due to criticising President 
Harradine, or, one of his mate companies, AOL or M$ or the Big Swamp 

Perhaps George Orwell ("1984") is responsible for giving the 
brownshirts that are the feral government, the ideas of thought 
police, etc.

Bret Busby

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