[plug] Cron scheduling

Christian christian at global.net.au
Wed Oct 13 12:34:30 WST 1999

Paul Baumgarten wrote:
> OK... Time to ask something I have been curious about for a little while.
> I'm wanting to schedule jobs and I know the tool to use is Cron.  My problem
> is I have looked through all the Howtos and mini-howtos and can not find one
> for Cron.  I scanned through the man pages for Cron and Crontab but they
> don't explain very well how to create a scheduled job.  Can anyone point me
> to some useful documentation?

There's probably no howtos cause it's really very simple - although,
like most things, it looks hard until you know how.  Basically run
"crontab -e" which will invoke vi or $EDITOR to edit that user's crontab
file.  For the format of the file take a look at crontab(5).



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we would be so simple we couldn't.

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