[plug] offtopic: waix

Gavin Tweedie tweedie at nw.com.au
Sat Oct 16 18:52:50 WST 1999

On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Dave Cook wrote:
> How do I tell what sites are included in WAIX?

If you want to check if a site is accessible via WAIX then the simplest
method is a traceroute.


Plex:~# traceroute www.uwa.edu.au
traceroute to uniwa.uwa.edu.au (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  narx.net (  1.382 ms  1.19 ms  1.146 ms
 2  Phantom.nw.com.au (  150.708 ms  109.476 ms  119.529 ms
 3  Madness.nw.com.au (  119.956 ms  109.585 ms  119.575 ms
 4  Death-Star.nw.com.au (  199.9 ms  119.207 ms  109.844 ms
 5  netway.ix.waia.asn.au (  129.783 ms  119.236 ms  119.896 ms
 6  parnet.ix.waia.asn.au (  189.676 ms  109.486 ms  109.884 ms
 7  uwa-parnet.parnet.edu.au (  149.666 ms  129.472 ms 169.818 ms
 8  uniwa.uwa.edu.au (  199.648 ms  199.388 ms 249.713 ms

the cruitial bit is the 5th and 6th hop in this case, basically your
looking for something which says "ix.waia.asn.au" somewhere. If you see
lines containing anything to do with telstra, optus, connect.com.au etc 
then you can be pretty sure that its not "at" waix.


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