[plug] data casting, a alternative to ASDL ?

alan howard alanh at wn.com.au
Tue Aug 22 19:55:59 WST 2000

did any one see four corners on the ABC on monday night?
DVB-T ( using COFDM) is capable of data rates of about 15 Mb/s using a 7.5Mhz
bandwidth. It has the possibility of offering very fast internet downloads as
well as supplying several tv channels (in MPEG2) or various mixes of services.
This would have been very benificial to people living in rural communities
where ISDN and ASDL are not available. The government, however ,due to pressure
from vested interests , has decided only to use it for HDTV. 
(sorry for being off subject)

alan howard

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