[plug] Ping

Campbell, David (Ex AS17) david.j.campbell at honeywell.com
Thu Dec 14 12:20:20 WST 2000

> From:	navarre at plug.linux.org.au [SMTP:navarre at plug.linux.org.au]
> David I could be wrong, but my memory serves me that DOS and all that is 
> built from it used the system tick timer set by the RTC hardware and that 
> runs at 18.2 per second.

I stand corrected, I knew that it was some obscure ratio and 13.5 was the
first number that popped into my head. The following is taken from
MS Documentation which indicates that Windows is less accurate at

David Campbell

PS: 55 msec => 18.2 ticks/sec, Win95 is MS-Dos in disguise.

The following table describes the resolution of the system timer. 

System Resolution 
Windows NT 3.5 and later The system timer runs at approximately 10ms. 
Windows NT 3.1 The system timer runs at approximately 16ms. 
Windows 95 and later The system timer runs at approximately 55ms. 

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