[plug] Email problems

Jon Miller jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Sat Dec 16 08:24:10 WST 2000

Client of mine is constantly getting pop-up messages stating the "'the line to your server has been disconnected' or something along those lines.  Basically, every once in a while they lose connection to their mail server (Linux RH6.1 using Sendmail).  The setup is the following:
Novell Network with 2 NIC (network is segmented)
Linux Server on one segment
Using COAX cabling (yes they are)
Outlook 97 as clients
Not sure about DNS settings, but believe they are looking at the ISP for resolution.
Users are actually on one segment with a very few on the same segment as the Mail Server.
Using DHCP with all pertinent information showing up ( however on 3 wrkstns, they could not get a DHCP request/reply).  We are waiting to see if and when they want to move/change the configuration of the network.

Jon L. Miller, MCNE ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
PH: +61 8 9242 8600
FX: +61 8 9242 8611

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