[plug] OT: Software
erazmus at wantree.com.au
Tue Dec 19 03:49:09 WST 2000
At 04:14 PM 18/12/2000 +0800, you wrote:
>Advertising Microsoft products on a Linux users mailing list? Not unlike
>selling ice to the Eskimos really...
mmm Its more like selling manure to the owner of a concrete factory
Kind Regards ~`:o)
Mike Massen
Network Power Systems
Perth, Western Australia Ph/Fx +61 8 9444 8961
Products/Personal/Client web area at http://www.iinet.net.au/~erazmus/Power
(Current pics - trip to Malaysia to install equipment in jungle power site)
Mods to a VL-Turbo, cooling system pressuriser, twin tyres etc (pics only)
My pics http://www.iinet.net.au/~erazmus/Twin_tyre_vehicle
Editorial http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/2195/ttyreopinion.html
Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes
academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that
theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic.
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