[plug] Upgrading a package
Jon Miller
jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Thu Dec 28 03:30:40 WST 2000
I received the following message when I tried to do an install of samba. I have to assume that the newer version has fond files from a previous version and therefore will not overwrite them. So I have to also assume that I need to issue rpm -U to do an upgrade. Does this sound right. Rather ask the question before committing suicide to my system.
[root at gateway /etc]# rpm -ivh /home/httpd/html/utils/Linux/samba-2.0.7-20000425.i386.rpm
file /etc/codepages/src/codepage_def.852 from install of samba-2.0.7-20000425 conflicts with
file from package samba-common-2.0.6-9
Jon L. Miller, MCNE ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
PH: +61 8 9242 8600
FX: +61 8 9242 8611
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