[plug] Upgrading a package

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Thu Dec 28 09:30:10 WST 2000

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Jon  Miller wrote:

> I received the following message when I tried to do an install of samba.  I have to assume that the newer version has fond files from a previous version and therefore will not overwrite them.  So I have to also assume that I need to issue rpm -U to do an upgrade.  Does this sound right.  Rather ask the question before committing suicide to my system.
> [root at gateway /etc]# rpm -ivh /home/httpd/html/utils/Linux/samba-2.0.7-20000425.i386.rpm
> file /etc/codepages/src/codepage_def.852 from install of samba-2.0.7-20000425 conflicts with
>  file from package samba-common-2.0.6-9

Samba usually (read as part of a distro) comes in 3 packages.
samba          (should REALLY be called samba-server)

It seems from tyhe file name that you are installing a shapshot or a custom
built rpm.  As such  you should do an :
rpm -qlp /home/httpd/html/utils/Linux/samba-2.0.7-20000425.i386.rpm

To see the contents of the rpm.

If it doesn't inclue both smbclient and smbd then you need to get the rest of the
samba packages and run
rpm -Uvh /home/....../samba-*.0.7-20000425.i386.rpm

If it does then you need to backup your config files (smb.conf smbuser
smbpasswd etc etc) and then remove what ever samba you have uinstalled ATM and
then install the new version samba-2.0.7-20000425.i386.rpm

I don't think and "upgrade" will work because the packages have different
names, but you may like to try it, after you backup your config.

Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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