[plug] Mice (more)

Bernard Blackham bernard at blackham.com.au
Fri Dec 29 00:27:14 WST 2000

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Ari Finander wrote:
> Beyond the 'no mouse after boot-up' problem, the mouse also goes AWOL
> after the computer goes to standby mode...I then have to unplug the
> serial mouse and plug it back in to get it back...and it returns
> instantly.  Any ideas as to why this occurs, and how to stop it from
> happening?

Windoze occasionally (or rather, always on some machines) had the same
problem on standby mode and the only way to get your mouse back was either
with a reboot or a Control Panel|System|Device Manager|Refresh.

This is a wild stab in the dark that could possibly work... Taken from the
3-Button-Mouse HOWTO. Different problem, but perhaps same solution:

     You may be able to reset the mouse by typing echo "*n" >
     /dev/mouse, which should have the same effect as unplugging it.
     Hold the left button down for Mouse Systems mode, not for
     Microsoft. You could put this in whatever script you use to start X

Ignoring the part about holding the left mouse button down, it's worth a
try. Doesn't reveal the underlying cause though.

Good luck,


 Bernard Blackham
 bernard at blackham.com.au

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