[plug] AMD Overclocking - was: Stupidity Test

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Thu Feb 3 14:14:33 WST 2000

Chris Griffin wrote:
> I ask as I am running mine on an AOpen AX59 Pro. All the settings tell me I
> should be running at 300MHz with 100MHz FSB. The only software I have to
> find out is an eval version of SiSoft Sandra. Although it agrees that I am
> running at 300MHz it keeps trying to tell me the FSB is at 66MHz.
> I do not know if I should believe the settings or the software.
> I was looking at overclocking it but is it running right now?
> Can you suggest any software that may tell the story or do I believe Sandra?

Software lies :p)
Grab the manual from AOpen's web page and physicaly verify the
There was a batch of 300's that had a bag requiring them to use a 66mhz
if you went to 100mhz they got unstable.. I used to get lots of bus
in netscape and the odd sig11 in X until I swapped the processor out..
On the chip there is a marking with a 66 on it if you have one of the
It's been a while now and I cant remember the specifics...
I have 2 300's, One I have overclocked to 366 and run at 100% usage
24hrs a
day, and have done for over 12 months, the other one gets REALLY
at anything over 300. But they are both at 100Mhz fsb.

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