[plug] rh6.1 + perl + CPAN module probs

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Mon Feb 28 17:09:44 WST 2000


On my rh6.1 box I am trying to add DBI and DBD::mysql support to
access a MySQL database using Perl. I've done this without problems
many times on rh5.2 boxes but not rh6.1.

The problem is that when installing the DBD and DBI::mysql bundles
(using the perl CPAN module in interactive mode) I keep getting
compile errors. In fact I am getting compile errors with almost
any old module I try installing. It seems to have something
todo with the rh6.1 perl distro (using 5.00503).

Has anyone attempted installing perl modules with CPAN on a
rh6.1 box before?

Has anyone got DBD::mysql working on a rh6.1 box?


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841	   email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
Proprietor			  mobile: 0417 410 811
Mind Socket [web services]          http://www.mindsocket.com.au/

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