[plug] Y2K bug found in Red Hat netdate (but Debian OK)?

Jeremy Malcolm Jeremy at Malcolm.wattle.id.au
Sat Jan 1 19:20:01 WST 2000

[root at gw terminus]# cat /etc/issue

Red Hat Linux release 6.0 (Hedwig)
Kernel 2.2.5-22 on an i486

[root at gw terminus]# rpm -i netdate-1.16-2.i386.rpm
[root at gw terminus]# date
Sat Jan  1 05:51:07 EST 2000
[root at gw terminus]# date -s 18:54
Sat Jan  1 18:54:00 EST 2000
[root at gw terminus]# netdate ntp.adelaide.edu.au
ntp.adelaide.edu.au -46709.580 Sat Jan  1 05:56:22.000
[root at gw terminus]# date
Sat Jan  1 05:56:41 EST 2000
[root at gw terminus]# ssh backinthe.ussr.net -l terminus
terminus at backinthe.ussr.net's password:
Last login: Fri Dec 31 16:16:51 1999 from backinthe-s1
Linux backinthe 2.2.2 #3 Sun Mar 7 18:05:13 WST 1999 i686 unknown
    __            __    _      __  __        __  _____________  since 1998
   / /  ___ _____/ /__ (_)__  / /_/ /  ___  / / / / __/ __/ _ \  ___  ___ /
  / _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_// / _ \/ __/ _ \/ -_)/ /_/ /\ \_\ \/ , _/ / _ \/ -_)


Welcome to backinthe.USSR.net running Debian GNU/Linux v.2.1 with kernel
System administrator: Jeremy Malcolm <Jeremy at Malcolm.wattle.id.au> on behalf
Terminus Network Services Pty Ltd ACN 083 643 556 t/a Terminus Network

You have mail.
I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or
whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.
                -- Chuang-tz
$ date
Sat Jan  1 18:56:21 WST 2000
$ su
backinthe:/home/terminus# netdate ntp.adelaide.edu.au
ntp.adelaide.edu.au -0.366 Sat Jan  1 18:56:39.000
backinthe:/home/terminus# date
Sat Jan  1 18:56:55 EST 2000

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