[plug] help and comment

Barbara Robson robson at cwr.uwa.edu.au
Fri Jan 21 10:40:42 WST 2000

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 navarre at omen.net.au wrote:

> I am seeking assistance and comment on:
> 1) Text based email client. I have tried Mutt and currently using Elm
>    and find these lacking in many of the features in use in DOS and
>    Windows email readers. Most imporant are mail lists and the ability
>    to save you owb outgoing mail.

I don't use Mutt or elm myself, but given that even /bin/mail includes
both these features, I'm very surprised to hear that they don't -- are
you sure?  In any case, you could try Pine (which I am using currently
and am reasonably happy with).


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