[plug] memorable quote

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Tue Jun 6 10:50:16 WST 2000

Michael Hunt wrote:
>> --
>> Linux will not get in the door by simply mentioning it... it must win
>> by proving itself superior. We have no marketing department, our sales
>> department is an FTP server in North Carolina and our programming
>> department spans seven continents. Am I getting through? -- Signal11
>> (/.)

> And Leon why does it have to be a server in North Carolina ???? Some off us
> do wear other hats and can perform magic with other distros of linux

I guess that's where kernel.org is hosted.

The server I normally use is in Queensland. BTW, I use Mandrake rather
than RedHat.

Linux will not get in the door by simply mentioning it... it must win
by proving itself superior. We have no marketing department, our sales
department is an FTP server in North Carolina and our programming
department spans seven continents. Am I getting through? -- Signal11

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