[plug] Unpacking tarballs

Earnshaw, Mike earnshawm at wa.switch.aust.com
Wed Jun 7 15:15:48 WST 2000


This is probably a stupid question, I am just trying to save myself
another 16Mb download ...

downloaded an old kernel to patch up RH6.0

When I use:

tar zxpvf linux-x.y.z.tar.gz

I get some unpacking, then:

tar: skipping to next file header
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: child returned status 1
tar: error exit delayed from previous errors

Does this mean the tarball is cactus? I have downloaded it twice already
(well three times since I got the wrong tarball the first time ... der )
and I am worried I may be using a bad site or something.


Mike Earnshaw       | "It don't mean a thing if     | e-mail in header
Computer Systems    | you cain't get that Ping...." | Tel: +61 8 9256
  Support           |    Duke Ellington, 1932       | Fax: +61 8 9256
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