[plug] Mail domain error

Damion Hill dhill at wantree.com.au
Wed Jun 28 22:55:17 WST 2000

I just recently went through the same issue with a server at work. 
The box was not listed in external DNS so a lookup of the server 
failed with the same error that you have shown.

On the Sendmail site I did some reading about masquerading and 
some of the options. I haven't got the config I used but look at 
there are some options there that should help like 
masquerade_envelope. I think it is this feature that actually got me 


On 28 Jun 00, at 20:56, Nigel Duff wrote:

>  Hi all,
>  I have just tried replying to an email, which was promptly
> returned with the following error;
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> ... while talking to carmen.murdoch.edu.au.:
> >>> MAIL From:<peregrin at caduceus.iinet.net.au> SIZE=944
> <<< 501 <peregrin at caduceus.iinet.net.au>... Sender domain must exist
> 501 user at carmen.murdoch.edu.au... Data format error
>  Doing a bit of a search on the net, I am not sure if this is a
>  Sendmail
> error or my client (mutt) error. I have configured sendmail with 
> # who I masquerade as (null for no masquerading) (see also $=M)
> DMiinet.net.au
> Is there something else I should add to sendmail?
> Thanks
> Nigel

Damion Hill
dhill at wantree.com.au

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