[plug] Exabyte vs DLT

David Griffiths griffith at environ.wa.gov.au
Mon May 1 14:54:11 WST 2000

I will be backing up 10-15GB (full backup) once a week
(with nightly incrementals much smaller) on a linux cluster and was going
to go for an
exabyte (mammoth) for backwards compatibility with our current  exabyte
8500 tapes.

However... DLT apparently outsells exabyte by about 5 to 1 for comparable
according to one sales person I spoke to: are there good technical reasons
for this or
is it just people drifting towards a common denominator? From the specs
I've seen so far
they are faster but more expensive.



  David Griffiths                               griffith at environ.wa.gov.au

  Systems Manager
  Air Quality Management Branch
  Department of Environmental Protection            Phone:   61 8 9222 7151

  Westralia Square                                  Fax  :   61 8 9321 5184
  141 St Georges Tce
  Perth 6000
  Western Australia

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