[plug] Is Red hat truly flawed?

Kim Covil kimc at zydeco.ned.dem.csiro.au
Wed May 3 11:06:37 WST 2000

> This is, however, only one of the ways that bcrypt nullifies current
> attacks against other password hashing schemes.  If you want to know
> more I suggest you see "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels
> Provos and David Mazieres -- for memory it was part of a USENIX
> conference a few years ago.

For those that cannot be bothered searching for this the url is:



Kim Covil - Australian Geodynamics CRC   E-mail: kimc at ned.dem.csiro.au 
            CSIRO Exploration & Mining   Tel: +61 8 9284 8425   ,-_!\
            PO Box 437, Nedlands,        Fax: +61 8 9389 1906  /     \
            Western Australia  6009                            *_,-._/   
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