[plug] Meeting 9/5 - archives

Scott, Simon Simon.Scott at SEALCORP.com.au
Tue May 9 18:49:12 WST 2000

True, but with mp3 at its lowest bitrate, mono, (8 bit? does it support it?)
then youll still get a smaller file....

Or maybe we should do it in 4 bit, 8Khz mono samples, so I can push them
thru the SID chip on my c64 :)

 "With all the security bugs in JavaScript and all the pages that use
  it, a lot of sites are best viewed with telnet www.something.com 80"
                                                       -- Darren Embry
> ------------------------------------------------------
>  Simon Scott
>  DBA
>  Sealcorp Holdings Limited
>  Perth, WA
>  e-mail:  simon.scott at sealcorp.com.au
>  phone:  08 9265 5648
> ------------------------------------------------------

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leon Brooks [mailto:leon at brooks.smileys.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, 9 May 2000 5:58
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: Re: [plug] Meeting 9/5 - archives
> "Scott, Simon" wrote:
> >>> voice recording (if nothing better is available), etc...
> >> Hmmm... lessee... 8 bits x 11k/second x say 3600 seconds 
> for an hour's
> >> yakking == 40 meg, bit of a stiff download, easier to burn 
> it and the
> >> presentation materials onto a CD and mail it. And since we're doing
> >> that, does anyone have a video camera and capture card? (-:
> > One idea: .mp3, low bitrate...
> MP3 won't go that thin or slow. 11kB/second _is_ a low 
> bitrate; the only
> lower one that I've seen used other than as a joke is 8kB/s. Lame
> (MPEG2) won't do less than 16 bits at 16KHz.
> -- 
> Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.

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