[plug] X windows Server

Mark Bailey mbailey at ois.com.au
Fri May 12 22:16:20 WST 2000

Thanx Leon,
There are an exhaustive amount of interesting links but one 
that really caught my eye was
http://wiredx.net/ WiredX.net enables access to unix 
applications from Windows machines via web browsers.

I have installed it as well as the Java stuff on my Windows machine but
am confused as to how to point the display output from the linux box
to the Windows browser. The destructions as are scant and it does not seem
to like the normal DISPLAY commands.

Has anyone tried this out and got it to work and if could you maybe 
suggest what may be wrong here (apart from the PEBKAC that is)

Mark Bailey

-----Original Message-----
From: leonb at firestation.fdns.net [mailto:leonb at firestation.fdns.net]On
Behalf Of Leon Brooks
Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2000 10:32 PM
To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject: Re: [plug] X windows Server

Mark Bailey wrote:
> Does anyone know of a download site
> for a cheap (or better still, free)
> X Windows Server for Win 9X please.

There is an extensive list of non-Unix X servers here:


I should warn you that this section starts off with "A possibly cheaper
alternative to MS-Windows X servers is running UNIX on your PC." (-:

That said, this link - http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/xfree/ -
looks highly promising, especially if you are willing to tinker.

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