[plug] Possibly the most bizare article about FreeSoftware

Mike from West Australia erazmus at wantree.com.au
Sat May 27 01:10:09 WST 2000

At 09:47 AM 26/5/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>wonder if Microsoft paid for the article, to malign free software....
>>>> Oliver White <ojw at iinet.net.au> 05/26 1:30 PM >>>

<hrrrrm> Do these things fo on in Perth, ie Should I change my
friday night activity at tafe learning to mig weld to something
more appropriate to the current technique - er um technology,



Mike Massen

Pictures of site installation at Mendulong near Sipitang, Sabah (Malaysia)
Remote Area Power System   http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus

Vehicle modifications on GMH Turbo, twin tyres, possible 175Kw at wheels
Preliminary pictures at http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus/Twin_tyre_vehicle/

Editorial on twin-tyre opinion and good reference about tyres:-

Ancient Sufi saying:
        "Should your God save you from adversity, choose another God"

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