C++, was Re: [plug] [why not staroffice]
bigbadbill at dingoblue.net.au
Sat Oct 7 00:58:55 WST 2000
Thanks Mike,
I backed off on the C++ to prevent a language war, I really couldn't be
bothered... Thanks for the support Mike...
I know that different languages have their advantages, and their disadvantages,
I was just saying that C++ worked for me on this and on other occasions..
I could have struggled with the C syntax, which I have not used, or done it in
Perl on a web page with password security etc... But this was a small job, only
just above trivial.. And I wanted to be sure of being able to go back in
several months or years and know WHY I wrote it that certain way.
TO ME, (and that is the important thing), C++ at this level is very readable,
and very easy to add functionality to later.. If I wanted a challenge, why not
a Java compiler in French? ;^)=
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