[plug] Mandrake 7.2rc1

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.smileys.net
Thu Oct 26 21:59:49 WST 2000

The RC1 is much more stable than the beta1 (as you might expect). If you are
running Mandrake 7.2, this is well worth the upgrade. It also has several
signifcant games packages (Chromium, bzflag, etc) added to it for people who are
``into'' those.

There is probably going to be an RC2 to iron out the last few bugs and settle in
things like the official KDE-2, the security-fix Apache 1.3.14 and maybe SDL
1.1.6 before the official release, which activity is likely to push the 7.2
release past the current tentative date of 28 Oct, a little echo of Linus'
``I'll just let a precious few of these really good features in after the
code-freeze'' approach.

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