[plug] Apache redirecting...

Brent Varischetti brentnal at emerge.net.au
Sat Oct 28 02:17:04 WST 2000

I'm new so bare with me please.....

I currently have:

1. Redhat Linux 6.2 machine, connected to the Internet over a modem with 
rc.firewall sharing the connection.
2. Redhat Linux 7.0 machine, connected to the Internet over LAN.

Would it be possible for the Internet gateway machine to forward Apache web 
server requests to the other computer over the LAN?

I know it would be possible to share a folder from the Redhat Linux 7.0 
machine and mount it on the Internet gateway then make an alias, but would 
it be possible to do it the way I have described?

Thanks, Brent.

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