[plug] Purely GNU? Where from?- New subscriber says hi.

Oliver White ojw at iinet.net.au
Mon Oct 30 17:19:05 WST 2000

Ok... cool.... does anyone have  a suggestion *other* than debian? ;-)

A&N SLUIK wrote:

> Hi everyone, Can anyone suggest where I can purchase a purely GNULinux
> O/S? I'm running a RH 6.2 and would like to give it the flick.Perhaps
> I am being picky, yet all I need is the really basic O/S that I can
> use to build from, my RH cd has everything else I would need; pine,
> ftp, etc, etc.Probably no surprise, all the computer shops in the
> country think that the world stops at windoze. but on the bright side
> if you mention Linux these "experts" loose their superiority
> satisfyingly fast. : )Anyway,Thanks everyone! RegardsAlbert Sluik

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