[plug] chkconfig + dhcpd

Earnshaw, Mike earnshawm at wa.switch.aust.com
Tue Sep 5 10:33:05 WST 2000


Just downloaded the latest(?) dhcp tarball from isc.org. It compiled and
installed OK. I am having a few problems getting chkconfig to add the
daemon. If I use chkconfig --add /usr/sbin/dhcpd it reports error
reading information on service (which I would kind of expect since this
is the binary) but I get the same message when I point chkconfig to the
directory I used for the untar etc.

I can not seem to work out where to locate the information on service
for this. Any pointers please?


Mike Earnshaw      | "Nothing is foolproof to a      | e-mail in header
 Computer Systems  |  sufficiently talented fool"    | Tel : +61 8 9256
  Support          |                     Anon.       | Fax : +61 8 9256
   ,-._|\    Union Switch & signal
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