[plug] Linux support for schools

Colin Rothnie colinr at tiwest.com.au
Tue Sep 5 16:46:34 WST 2000

I don't think the ISP would really care all that much.  If it was an issue,
they would prevent the user from logging on for a certain hold-off period at
the ISP end rather than rely on the customer to "be good" about it.  If so,
match your automatic hold-off to the ISP's.

It may be more of an issue if something goes wrong at the ISP's server end
and your gateway attempts to reconnect every 30 seconds, you could clock up
a hefty Telstra bill within a short space of time.

Certainly when people are manually connecting to the ISP and having problems
with passwords (CAPS LOCK etc) they will attempt to reconnect as fast as
they can.  Why waste your time hanging about in case someone gets annoyed at
the ISP?  They wont even notice.

Colin Rothnie

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