[plug] Martians (was SaMBa query)

Bret Busby bret at clearsol.iinet.net.au
Thu Sep 21 14:09:07 WST 2000

Leon Brooks wrote:
> "de Vries, Arie" wrote:
> > the next paragraph of the quote stated, "The range of IP addresses (from
> > through used
> > for APIPA is reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)."
> Inetresting discussion here (click on "thread" link):
>     http://www.cctec.com/maillists/nanog/historical/9907/msg00236.html
> Listed in that message:
>             reserved for IANA
>          this belongs to Ford
>            reserved for IANA
>         this belongs to SUN
>         IANA use for local link numbers???
>           reserved for IANA
>           no ARIN match
>         no ARIN match
>          this belongs to SUN
> --
> If at first you don't succeed, try a shorter bungee.

I am surprised that it does not mention Mercedes Benz, in the list
above. From memory, Mercedes Benz has an extremely large block of IP
addresses, that were sought to be repurchased from them, for general
distribution, to defer the problem of running out of IP addresses.
Mercedes Benz refused, responding that they intended for all their new
cars to have IP addresses, to be able to communicate by wireless
Interent communication, with their international headquarters, so
automatically diagnosing and repairing faults, and, upgrading software,
etc (apart from telling Mercedes Benz who is doing what with whom, in
the back seat).


Bret Busby

"So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the
answer means."
 - Deep Thought, Chapter 28 of The Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
 - Douglas Adams, 1988 

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