[plug] Off topic: Netscape 6 PR2

jeffw at mbox.com.au jeffw at mbox.com.au
Sat Sep 23 11:04:05 WST 2000

I like the rendering, but don't like the interface.
I got it up and running under linux (debian potato) but its a bit 
quirky. I can't access the mail and newsgroups as a normal user - they 
don't seem to exist, but they're there for root (just checked because I 
was sure they should be there!) Didn't check it out though, because I'm 
happy enough with netscape 4.73.


----- Original Message -----
From: Kai <vk6ksj at siwa.com.au>
Date: Saturday, September 23, 2000 9:42 am
Subject: [plug] Off topic: Netscape 6 PR2

> Just curious what everyone things of Netscape 6 PR2?
> I've got it installed on my Windoze machine, but I can't seem to 
> get it to work on my 6.2 box (same machine, different partition, 
> of course.)
> Anyone having any luck with it?
> Kai

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