[plug] FAQ - alpha release

Beau Kuiper kuiperba at cs.curtin.edu.au
Tue Sep 26 20:41:03 WST 2000

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Dave T Burbidge wrote:
> <snip>
> Greetings!
> Umm ... is iiNet Linux friendly? OK, so I can log in, but one time I

iiNet is actually a very confused and strange company. So much so I am actually
suprised anything gets done there. I always dread communicating with them. They
actually use linux a fair bit for their equipment (their cityspan client side
box is a small linux box).

I would avoid iiNet unless there is a good reason not to do so for the time

Beau Kuiper
kuiperba at cs.curtin.edu.au

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